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VPI Class of 1922
VPI Class of 1922
Collection Items
Williams, Kile Clayton
Copley, Thomas Leigh
Charlton, Royce Elmo
Malone, Charles Daniel
Smithers, Marion Wilkins
Moore, Robert Catchings
Davis, Stephen Kenneth
Credle, Fenner Xyvon
Webb, Aubrey E.
Wayland, Charles
LeSturgeon , P. E.
Echols, E. W.
Darden, Algernon S.
Connor, J. B.
Hutcheson, Allen Farrar
Barbour, William MacAllaster
Catlin, John England
View all 17 items
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Comments (if you have information about a veteran or would like to talk about a veteran, also email the project director Daniel Newcomb at with your information or question)