Rowe, Josiah P. Jr.


Rowe, Josiah P. Jr.

Last Name


First and Middle Name

Josiah P. Jr.

Biographical Text

1st Lieutenant, Army Air Service. Left school early, accepted into pilot training, sent to Foggia, Italy for combat indoctrination, then Issoudon,France. Flew combat missions with the 147th Pursuit Squadron in the SPAD XIII Oct-Nov ’18. Daughter wrote famous book, “Letters from a World War One Aviator.” Became editor of the Fredericksburg “Free-Lance Star.” Mayor of Fredericksburg. Flew the Farman trainer, Nieuport trainer and SPAD XIII.
  • Research and text by Joseph Reich

VPI Graduating Class


Service Branch

US Army, Air Service


147th Pursuit Squadron


First Lieutenant

Military Events

Noted in The Virginia Tech as flying on the Italian Front as of 31 January 1918.

Contributing Researchers

Joseph Reich


  • Pilots of the 147th Aero Squadron around a Spad, taken on 18 October 1918 near Rebercourt, France, US Signal Corps Archive (Rowe is the second to last airman squatting on the far right of this photograph):


Josiah P. Rowe Jr. portrait from AEF Identity Card.jpg
Josiah P. Rowe Jr. AEF Identity Card.jpg
Josiah P. Rowe Jr. from photo of pilots of the 147th Aero Squadron around a Spad, taken on 18 October 1918 near Rebercourt, France.jpg
Pilots of the 147th Aero Squadron around a Spad, taken on 18 October 1918 near Rebercourt, France (1).jpg
Tech Birdmen - The Virginia Tech - 31 January 1918.jpg
Josiah P. Rowe Jr. in his plane in France.jpg



“Rowe, Josiah P. Jr.,” VPI in World War I, accessed March 13, 2025,

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