Montague, James Lewis


Montague, James Lewis

Last Name


First and Middle Name

James Lewis

Nicknames or Other Names



Christiansburg, Virginia

County and/or State

Montgomery County, Virginia

Birth Date

July 6, 1893


Christiansburg, Virginia

Death Date

September 30 1987

Place of Death

He is buried at Arlington National Cemetary


William Cave Montague
Kitty Clyde Charlton Montague


Daniel Junkin Montague


Lydda Grubbs Montague


  • WillJohn G Montague (KIA in France on 8 OCT 1944)
  • Frank Cocheu Montague (served in World War II and Korea - VPI alumnus)
  • James L. Montague, Jr. (served in World War II and Korea - VPI alumnus)
  • Ronald B. Montague (served in World War II and Korea - VPI alumnus)

VPI Graduating Class

VPI Class of 1915

Undergraduate Major


Service Branch



319th Infantry, 80th Division


Lt. Colonel

Retired Rank

Lt. Colonel

Decorations or Citations

Cited by Commander-in-Cheif
  • Citation: "For exceptionally meritorious and conspicuous services as Battalion Commander, 319th Infantry, American Expeditionary Forces, in testimony theof as an expression of appreciation of these services I award him this citation. Awarded on 19th April, 1919." (signed) John J Perhsping, Commander-in-Cheif
Cited by Brigade Commander
  • Mort Homme Sector, September 26, 1918
  • Citation: "For meritorious services and extrodinary gallantry in action, the Brigade Commander desires to cite officially the following named officers and men of his command.
    • Major Hugh H. Obear, 319th Infantry
    • Major James L. Montague, 319th Infantry
    • Captain Gerald Egan, 319th Infantry
  • The officers above named commanded the three battalions of the 319th Infantry during the advance from MOrt Homme to the army objective on September 26, 1918. The sector of the Army objective assigned to the 319th Infantry was so long that it necessitated placing all three battalions on that line, each organized in depth. It was due entirely to the exceptionally able performance of duty on the part of the three battalion commanders named that the army objective on the front was captured on September 26th and held until the entire 80th Division was relieved and orderd to another sector." By command of Brigadier General Brett (signed) William C. Vandewater, Captain Infantry, Adjutnat

Cited by Division Commander
  • Bois des Ogons, October 5, 1918
  • Citation: "For the spirit, determination and courage displayed on the night of October 5, 1918 in leading his battalion agains the Bois des Ogons, from which our troops had been already twice repulsed, and the troops serving under him for the display of like qualities in retaking and finally holding the line, after the battalion had once been driven back."

Letter of Commendation from Major General Adelbert Cronkhite
  • Letter: "The Division Commander whishes to express his great appreciation of the highly imporant successes gained by General Jamerson's 159th Brigade and Major Montague's attached Battalion of the 319th Infantry. Continually under effective artillery fire on your flank, as well as machine gun fire from your front and flanks, you nevertheless returned again and again to attack until your objective was gained and held. Your successes have earned the repeated congradulations of your corps commander as well as the thanks of your country." P.C., 159th Brigade, 8 October 1918

Letter of Appreciation from Brigade Commander
  • Letter: "The Brigade Commander desires to add to the above his expression of appreciation of the work accomplished by the Brigade and Major Montague's Battalion, 319th Infantry during the three days fighting for the Bois des Ogons and his pride in the command of an organization possessed of that iron will and determination which alone could win success in face of such odds." G. H. Jamerson, Brigader General Commanding

Reccomended for Distinguished Service Medal
  • Reccomendation: "In the attack on the Bois des Ogons on October 4, 1918, Major Montague commanded his battalion in the most effective manner, fearlessly exposing himself in rallying temporarily disorganized troops. Again in the attack of November 1, north of Immecourt, Major Montague commanded the assault battalion of this regiment. The assaulting companies became separated from the two supporting companies. Major Montague went forward, filled in the gap with a few men, and drove back the Germans who were infitrating between the lines with utter diregard of any idea of personal saftey." (Signed) James M. Love, Jr., Colonel, 319th Infantry. Approved by L. M. Brett, Brigadier General Commanding

The above citations were taken from pgs. 114-115, Virginians of Distinguished Service of the World War, published by the Virginia War History Commission, 1923


James Lewis Montague senior portrait from the 1915 Bugle.jpg
James Lewis Montague picture from the 1916 Bugle.jpg
James Lewis Montague from the 1916 Bugle.jpg
"With the 80th," narrative from James L. Montague about his wartime service in the Virginia Polytechnic Institute in the World War booklet, published in 1927



“Montague, James Lewis,” VPI in World War I, accessed March 13, 2025,

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