Green, Hunter Gray


Green, Hunter Gray

Last Name


First and Middle Name

Hunter Gray

Birth Date

6 December 1895


Fayette County, West Virginia

Death Date

5 October 1939

Place of Death

Charleston, West Virginia


Thelma McCallister (married on 27 April 1918 in Cabell, West Virginia)


Lt. Col. William Francis Green; Hunter Gray Green Jr.; Thelma Jo Green Price

VPI Graduating Class



Unknown, did attend VPI in 1911 and 1912.

Service Branch

US Army


Company 56, Spruce Production Squadron

"56th Spruce The 56th Spruce, was originally called the 451st Aero (Construction) Squadron. They were formed February 1918 at Vancouver Barracks, Washington. In the same month, they were sent to South Bend, Washington. While in that area, they took part in logging and riving operations (Riving consisted of splitting fallen logs. This process was done almost entirely by hand, with the log sections then being hauled out of remote areas.) In April 1918 they were moved to a camp near the tiny town of Nemah, Washington. The construction of this camp, located at the mouth of the Nemah River, was completed by this unit. This camp was only accessible by water. In July 1918, The unit was redesignated as the 56th Spruce. In December 1918, the unit returned to Vancouver Barracks, where it was demobilized in January 1919." - from 

Military Events

Entered service on 30 June 1918 and discharged on 12 February 1919

1927 "Virginia Polytehnic Institute in the World War" booklet



U.S., Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, 1861-1985 for Hunter G Green.jpg



“Green, Hunter Gray,” VPI in World War I, accessed March 4, 2025,

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