Jasper, George Leonard
Jasper, George Leonard
Last Name
First and Middle Name
George Leonard
Baltimore, Maryland
Birth Date
11 July 1894
Death Date
29 October 1975
Place of Death
Ambler, Pennsylvania
Hermann Ernst Wilhelm Jasper and Margarethe Ruppel
Jessie Edna Lea - married on 15 May 1919
Gladys Margaret Jasper, Editih Katherine Jasper, Arthur William Jasper
VPI Graduating Class
Undergraduate Major
Mechanical Engineering
Yes - was only 15 years old when entering Virginia Tech
Service Branch
US Army
Unit history:
2 April 1918 - 6 Co, 154 Depot Brigade
1 September 1918 - Det 154 Depot Brigade, Headquarters Detachment
Discharged 1/10/1919, conscientious objector status
The role of depot brigades was to receive and organize recruits, provide them with uniforms, equipment and initial military training, and then send them to France to fight on the front lines. The depot brigades also received soldiers returning home at the end of the war and completed their out processing and discharges. The 154th Depot Brigade was based at Camp Meade (later Fort Meade) in Maryland.
2 April 1918 - 6 Co, 154 Depot Brigade
1 September 1918 - Det 154 Depot Brigade, Headquarters Detachment
Discharged 1/10/1919, conscientious objector status
The role of depot brigades was to receive and organize recruits, provide them with uniforms, equipment and initial military training, and then send them to France to fight on the front lines. The depot brigades also received soldiers returning home at the end of the war and completed their out processing and discharges. The 154th Depot Brigade was based at Camp Meade (later Fort Meade) in Maryland.
Other Events
Claimed an exception from the draft as an conscientious objector. On his World War 1 draft card George listed that he was a member of the Christadelphian religion.
1927 "Virginia Polytehnic Institute in the World War" booklet
- Maryland in the World War, 1917-1919: Military and Naval Service Records, Volume 1 (Baltimore, Maryland: Mayrland Rcords Commission, 1933), page 1049. https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000403213
“Jasper, George Leonard,” VPI in World War I, accessed March 4, 2025, https://vpiworldwarone.lib.vt.edu/items/show/1160.
Comments (if you have information about a veteran or would like to talk about a veteran, also email the project director Daniel Newcomb at danieln1@vt.edu with your information or question)