Kyle, Bernard Hewett
Kyle, Bernard Hewett
Last Name
First and Middle Name
Bernard Hewett
Nicknames or Other Names
Buffalo Station, Virgnia
Joshua Warner and Ella Catharine Aggee Kyle
VPI Graduating Class
Undergraduate Major
Preparatory Medicine
Service Branch
US Army
Medical Corps - attached to the 12th Field Artillery AEF, 2nd Division
Decorations or Citations
French Croix de Gurre with Palm and Gilt Star; Vierzy
The above citations were taken from pgs. 93-94, Virginians of Distinguished Service of the World War, published by the Virginia War History Commission, 1923
- Palm Citation: "He always performed his duties with the greatest courage and admirable coolness under fire of the enemy, giving to those about him the finest example of heroism."
- Gilt Star Citation: "On July 21, 1918 while on duty as a surgeon of the 1st Battalion he accompanied it under a violent bombardment to an advanced position in front of Vierzy. He established a first-aid station and operated it with remarkable coolness under an intense fire of high explosive and gas shells. He never ceased his efforts in behalf of his wounded whose evacuation he effectived until the battalion was withddrawn from combat."
- Citation: "Captain Kyle has rendedred medical aid to the wounded at all times in a highly commendable manner, and his conduct in the discharge of his duty under fire has been most fearless." By command of Major General Bundy.
- Citation: "The names and deeds performed by the following named officers and men of this Division are published as being well worthy of emulation and praise: (Extract) 'Captain Bernard H. Kyle, M.R.C. 12th Field Artillery: As First Battalion Surgeon, he was with the battalion under heavy shell fire, July 21, 1918, taking up an advanced position in front of Vierzy. He established and matintained the Battalion Aid Station, collecting the wounded and applying dressings under heavy fire of high explosive, gas and shrapnel, which were falling all around the battalion station at Montramboeuf Ferme, carrying on his work with a calm exterior which inspired his men with confidence and courage. He was at his post from early morning until late at night until the battalion was withdrawn, caring for the gassed and wounded, all of whom were safely removed before he retired with teh battalion. This at Vierzy, July 21st, 1918." by Command of Major GEneral Lejeune (signed) Preston Brown, Brigadier-General, Cheif of Staff, Madison Pearson, Major, Adjutant."
The above citations were taken from pgs. 93-94, Virginians of Distinguished Service of the World War, published by the Virginia War History Commission, 1923
Practiced medicine in Amherst, Virginia before the war.
“Kyle, Bernard Hewett,” VPI in World War I, accessed February 23, 2025,
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