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VPI Class of 1906
VPI Class of 1906
Collection Items
Whitehurst, Herbert Clinton
Guigon, Alexander Barclay Jr.
Williams, Alpheus Daniel
Grubert, Reese Thompson
Worthington, G. Y., Jr.
Williams, J.R.
White, R. Harvey
Turner, Reid Arnold
Tinsley, R. Bruce
Taylor, Alfred Wilson
Taylor, Edward Hooker
Sugden, Robert Greenwood
Seddon, Samuel Venable
Osterloh, Richard Marriott
Nelson, F. P.
Moorefield , Charles Henry
Mitchell, William
Maynard, Edwin B.
Kyle, Bernard Hewett
Keller, Lowry
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Comments (if you have information about a veteran or would like to talk about a veteran, also email the project director Daniel Newcomb at with your information or question)